Improve Your Productivity
Join the club of Microsoft Excel Masters who’ve cut through the maze of confusion and made communication about numbers easier. See a snapshot of each course below. Call 1-905-829-1111 to “Ask the Trainer” which program level is right for you (and get a detailed description of each course). Learn practical techniques and tools in Microsoft Excel training so you can work smarter, not harder. Progressive Training’s comprehensive Excel program is broken down into three separate one-day courses, guaranteed to change your use of Microsoft Excel forever.
Microsoft Excel – Novice
Prerequisites: Introductory course to Windows, or equivalent working knowledge
- Make complex data easy-to-digest with quick charts and other graphics.
- Get familiar with tool locations so you find them when you need them.
- Format worksheets to simplify data and your ability to adjust and rearrange information.
Microsoft Excel – Intermediate
Prerequisites: Introductory Excel course, or equivalent working knowledge
- Convert hand-drawn “list form” data into easy-to-read digital tables.
- Learn to understand simple and complex mathematical operations to make formulas and functions easier to use.
- Protect documents to prevent unwanted changes.
- Finalize workbooks to correct spelling errors or censor certain information from other viewers.
Microsoft Excel – Advanced
Prerequisites: Intermediate Excel course, or equivalent working knowledge
- Improve decision-making with Pivot Tables for quickly retrieving multiple data sets.
- Use Macros to automate repetitive tasks on multiple documents or forms.
- Master Excel’s most sophisticated tasks from consolidating, linking, and combining multiple worksheets to creating Multiple Scenarios you can assess for best outcome.
- Manage your finances by performing advanced calculations with the “Goal Seek” and “Solver” applications.
Ready to Turn Excel Into A More Useful Tool?
Call 1-905-829-1111 or email us to determine your custom program level, designed for 8 or more individuals on-site or virtually.
Call 905-829-1111 ext. 1 for details.