Hands-On Training Workshops To Make Your Job Easier
For over 38 years in Toronto, Priority Management & Progressive Training’s professional development workshops have guaranteed positive change to the way you work. In every course, you’ll have time to set up, practice, and master tools for on-the-job applications. So it’s no surprise 99% of participants come from referrals by former graduates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Having trained over 50,000 Toronto employees, business owners, and civil servants like you, Priority Management and Progressive Training have proven results and street credit.
You’re tired of high-theory workshops that don’t help you once you’re back in the office.
Our practical instruction is guaranteed, so you won’t leave the program feeling like you have more work to do.
You want in-depth instruction, reinforcement and first class customer service.
Expert facilitators work with you to customize some of our programs to further enhance the programs to attain the learning objectives specifically for your team. On-site or Virtual training is available. Contact us, your phone calls are always quickly returned.
Consistent program delivery across your organization, despite the variety of staff schedules.
See the calendar of upcoming public training sessions at our Learning Centre, or arrange for site-specific courses to come to your southern Ontario office.
Ask the Trainer before you register for any course. You’ll get a free consultation to help you choose the course that is right for you or for your GTA organization: 1-905-829-1111 or 1-800-661-7197
Progressive Training & Priority Management Offers Business Courses To Build Your Resume and Your Skill Set:
- Time management training courses like Working Sm@rt With Outlook, and our other Working Sm@rt programs.
- Soft skills development programs such as Assertive Influencing courses, Supervisory skills Business Writing, Conflict Resolution etc.
- More effective communication courses: Writing Effective Business Emails, Presentation Skills, Project Management.
- Technical Skills for most MS programs.
Training Partnerships

- A registered Global Education Provider with the Project Management Institute (PMI) Training Partnerships
- Partners with Microsoft, to maximize your use of Outlook®, as an effective workload management tool
- Successful graduates of the Advanced Selling Program (certified by The Canadian Sales Professional Association) can apply immediately for the Canadian Sales Professional (CSP) designation